Yuna Kim
Reported by: Alice Hur MAG 2

Do you know a famous sports player that played when she was 7? She's Yuna Kim! She was not good just when she started skating. here's her story.
Yuna Kim is the best south Korea figure skater in the world. She was bone in1990 September 5th on Bucheon, Gyenggido. Her parents are Hun-Suk Kim and Mi-Hei Park. Her elementary school was Sin-Hung Elementaryschool and her university was Korea University.
As she was growing,she was talented at skating,web surfing,shopping,and listening to music.When she was 12,she won her first senior prize. She was the youngest person to do it too. Also,not only that,she won Olyimpic Champion Award,World Champion Award,World Junior Champion Award,and more.Kim appeared in many commercials in South Korea. Her commercial for a new touchscreen haptic phone from Samsung Electronics sold very well!!! Kim has worked in severalprojects as a singer. She sang the song "Smile Boy"with Sung-gee Lee. It's a song so filled with hope...It's awesome!!!
Kim donated more than 2billion won over her career.Wow~
I think Yuna Kim is a hero because she worked hard and got her dream!^^
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