Park Ji Sung
Reported by: Daniel Park

Do you know who Park Ji Sung is? I think that many people around the world will know who Park Ji Sung is, because he is a wold-famous soccer player who has competed in many matches. Well he is the leader of the Korean Soccer team. He is a left positioned midfielder. He is 29 years old and 175cm. He has won more than soccer 10soccer prizes.His birthday is February twenty fifth. On his birthday many fans cheered for him, and congratulated his twenty eighth birthday. He said he enjoyed his suprise birthday party very much. Park Ji Sung's parents are Park Seoug iong and Jang Meung Ja. But he has no brothers or sisters. When Park Ji Sung was young he ate lots of frogs and other insects such as crickets because he wanted to become taller to become a good soccer player. I can't believe that somebody would eat a frog just because they wanted to become taller! I would never, ever eat a frog. His hobby is listening to music and reading. He is very talented in soccer. I think playing soccer is Park Ji Sung's gift from the gods. Not many people have the ability to play soccer as well as Park Ji Sung dose. I hope that I will also have a gift to play soccer.I really think he is a great soccer player and I also want to become just like him, because being a soccer player is my dream from when I was six up until now. I hope that everyone will cheer for Park Ji Sung when he plays a soccer game. Even if he doesn't score,I will cheer for Park Ji Sung always, and so will his thousand and thousands of fans.
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