Friday, August 6, 2010

Abraham Lincoln's Life and Fun Facts

Abraham Lincoln’s Life and Fun Facts

By Amy Choi

Early Years

On February 12, 1809, in a log cabin in backwoods at Hardin, Abraham Lincoln born from Lincoln family. He grew up in newly broken pioneer farms of the frontier. His father was Thomas Lincoln. He is minatory carpenter and farmer. His first mother was dead in 1818, when Lincoln was 9 years old. So Sarah Bush Johnston, became Lincoln’s stepmother and she proved good and kind.

Early Political Career

When he first elected to House of Representatives, he spent most of time in Washington DC alone. He debated with Doug as in a series in a series of events which represented a national discussion the issues that were about to split to nation into two.


He became a lawyer in 1836 when he was 27 years old. He married with Mary Todd in 1842, when he was 32 years old. He became president in March 4, 1861.

Important Thing

He give slaves free so slave can live freely like other people, not living poor and do something that someone is telling to do.

His Death

He is killed on April 15, 1865 in by John Wikes Booth at 56 years old. He was the first president that was killed by other person.

Fun Facts

He had a dream predicting his own death. When he had a dream, he heard crying in the White House so when he asked the person who had died, that person answered that president was died.

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